
Residential (33)

Vacation club, Kladeri locality, Emona vilage, Municipality Nesebar. Implementation of I-st stage. Developed built up area of 1400 sq. m. Construction period of rough construction: 15 March 2012 - 16 June 2012. Construction period of finishing works: 30 November 2012. Implementation of II-nd stage. Developed built up area of 2900 sq. m. Construction period of rough construction: 1 October 2012 – 15 December 2013. Implementation of VI-th stage. Developed built up area of 2100 sq. m. Construction period: 1 November 2012 – 20 December 2013

Finishing off works in a residential community of 8 houses in Dragalevtsi neighbourhood, Sofia

Construction terms: February - May 2004

Residential building Sofia

Completion stage Act 14

Developed build up area: 5000 m2

Implementation period :19.05.2015 - 18.11.2015

Residential Building in Sofia, 18 Ami Bue St.

Developed built up аrea: 8000 sq.m

Construction terms: 15 April 2008 - 25 December 2009


Building of a residential village “Alfa-R” in Sofia

Тotal area: 2900 sq.m

Construction term: August 2004 - May 2005

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